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Isela's bookshelf: read

To Kill a Mockingbird
Looking for Alaska
The Hobbit
An Abundance of Katherines
Anna and the French Kiss
Twilight: The Complete Illustrated Movie Companion
The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo
Catching Fire
The Lightning Thief
The Perks of Being a Wallflower
Killer Instinct
The Battle of the Labyrinth
'Salem's Lot
The Last Olympian
Eva Luna
The House of the Spirits

Isela's favorite books »


I'm not a big fan of social networks. I'm a big believer in keeping things to yourself, privacy is important, it makes things special. However, I'm a huge literature fan. I'm always reading! And lately, I've discovered that I have too many ideas about books I've read that I can't share with anybody in real life. And it is not until I've put those ideas into sentences and paragraphs that I can continue successfully with my life. So, it's OK if no one reads this, and it's OK if someone reads and comments on this. What I'm trying to do is to get rid of some of my ideas :) Book recommendations are well received!
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Saturday, April 11, 2015

Book Info

Title: Are You There God? It's Me, Margaret.
Author: Judy Blume
Date of publication: 1970
Synopsis: If anyone tried to determine the most common rite of passage for preteen girls in North America, a girl's first reading of Are You There God? It's Me, Margaret would rank near the top of the list. Adolescents are often so relieved to discover that someone understands their body-angst that they miss one of the book's deeper explorations: a young person's relationship with God. Margaret has a very private relationship with God, and it's only after she moves to New Jersey and hangs out with a new friend that she discovers that it might be weird to talk to God without a priest or a rabbi to mediate. Margaret just wants to fit in! Who is God, and where is He when she needs Him?
[From goodreads.com]

 I really don't like to review books that are classics or super well-known because probably whatever I say has been said before. But here I go anyway.
The other book I've read by Judy Blume was Summer Sisters (which according to my copy of Are You There God? is one of her books for adults), so I didn't really know what to expect of this one. But of course I've heard all the fuss about it.
It was super short (read it in about 3 hours...?) and it was fun, simple and perfect for teenagers, I think. The whole religious dilemma really got me, because I live in a country where pretty much everybody is Catholic and you don't really get much say about it. And if you're not Catholic, you'd better not say anything... What really caught my attention was the fact that she was really interested in knowing more about the different religions and she wanted to pick one in which she could 'feel' God. All of this, while her grandmothers were trying to push her into their religions only because it was theirs. Stupid? I don't know... That's what happened to me. And I never really thought about it until I was around 20-21 years old. I guess I still haven't found answers to my questions...
What makes me like the book and think it's perfect for teens is the fact that Margaret spends a lot of her time wondering if she's "normal." Now, I don't remember really thinking about that... but I know that most people do (Trust me, I've seen it). I don't think anybody is normal, even if they try to appear to be so. And what's normal, anyway?
I did feel the book was way to short. There were just some things I wanted to know more about. Like what did Mr. Benedict told her about her letter? And what happened with Laura? And did Barbara forgive her parents? What happened with Janie when she was the last one to get it? They are all stupid questions (and they made me feel like Hazel Grace :P), but I just felt that if I'd read this as a teen, it wouldn't have been enough.
But, you know... BBTTR, right? I'll imagine the rest ;)

Favorite character: Margaret
Favorite secondary character: Miles Benedict (first year teacher...gotta love him!)
Favorite part: When she went to church and the synagogue :P
Favorite quote"Are you there God? It's me, Margaret. I've been to church. I didn't feel anything special in there God. Even though I wanted to. I'm sure it has nothing to do with you. Next time I'll try harder."
Least favorite character: Nancy! :P
Least favorite part: None.

Would I read it again? Maybe.