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Isela's bookshelf: read

To Kill a Mockingbird
Looking for Alaska
The Hobbit
An Abundance of Katherines
Anna and the French Kiss
Twilight: The Complete Illustrated Movie Companion
The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo
Catching Fire
The Lightning Thief
The Perks of Being a Wallflower
Killer Instinct
The Battle of the Labyrinth
'Salem's Lot
The Last Olympian
Eva Luna
The House of the Spirits

Isela's favorite books »


I'm not a big fan of social networks. I'm a big believer in keeping things to yourself, privacy is important, it makes things special. However, I'm a huge literature fan. I'm always reading! And lately, I've discovered that I have too many ideas about books I've read that I can't share with anybody in real life. And it is not until I've put those ideas into sentences and paragraphs that I can continue successfully with my life. So, it's OK if no one reads this, and it's OK if someone reads and comments on this. What I'm trying to do is to get rid of some of my ideas :) Book recommendations are well received!
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Saturday, April 19, 2014
Book Info

Name: Of Mice and Men
Author: John Steinbeck
Date of publication: 1937 

Of Mice and Men has these amazing characters. But more important than the characters themselves, is their significance in the historical background. It is a classic, so there is not much I can actually say about it that hasn’t been said before. I love Lennie and how he is soft and destroyable. I loved how George tried to protect him through everything, until the end. And there is something that will stay with me forever: that is how Candy accepted to have his dog put down, only to avoid seeing him suffer; just the same way George killed Lennie to avoid the lynch that was coming his way. 

I really enjoyed how Steinbeck used animals throughout the story. Most of them are always fragile: mice, puppies and rabbits. I think they are representing Lennie. He is also fragile, because of his innocence. 
I hated Curley and his wife. First of all, she wasn't a great representation of women: she was a troublemaker and kinda slutty. And Curley was just insecure and was also looking for fights all the time.
I had to read this for school and we will analyze it next week...so I might add something else to this post later.

Rating: ★★★★
Favorite character: George Milton (the way he took care of Lennie, but at the same time he was an optimistic and realistic person... I loved that)
Favorite secondary character: Candy
Favorite part: That time when George, Lennie and Candy were all making plans to get the land and build a house and simply be free. That was optimistic!
Favorite quote:
“I got you to look after me, and you got me to look after you, and that's why.”
Least favorite character: Curley's wife...
Least favorite part: Well, obviously the end, when Lennie accidentally kills the puppy and that woman comes and just messes everything else up. Though, by killing the puppy, Lennie knew he was in trouble.